Personal Track
Safety (PTS)
Personal Track Safety (PTS) is a system for safer working practices employed within the United Kingdom, designed to ensure the safety of railway workers who work on or near the network line.
The Personal Track Safety qualification is a mandatory requirement for every worker and has to be obtained before being allowed to work on or near any line owned or managed by Network Rail. The main risks of working on the railway are:
Rail incidents.
Dangers from an overhead power line or electrocution.
Personal injuries due to working near or on the track.
The Personal Track Safety course is intended for candidates who wish to work on or near the line on Network Rail’s infrastructure and covers a wide range of track specific information and procedures, including:
Infrastructure and terminology.
Rail safe working practices.
Basic emergency procedures.
Communication protocol.
The e-Train Personal Track Safety (PTS) course provides flexibility, allowing you to study in your own time, using our interactive industry recognised training material. The material is designed to help you understand how to keep safe on our UK network. All of our learning is achieved via our e-learning platform, meaning there is no requirement for classroom training.
PTS course, refresher and assessment total cost: £150 (excludes VAT).
Contact a member of our e-Train team for further details.